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EFB’s special event at Belgrade Security Forum: Future of EU and the Western Balkans

The EFB’s special event at this year's jubilee 10th edition of the Belgrade Security Forum: Future of EU and the Western Balkans is

Launching the regional initiative Trees of Friendship

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) is launching its “Trees of Friendship” initiative which will involve planting of 400

EFB in support of marking 20 years of the Igman Initiative

The European Fund for the Balkans is supporting the organization of the online conference of the Igman Initiative called “Two Decades

Online Conference - Reloading the EFB Community 25/09/2020

The EFB Community from the Western Balkans and EU will gather for the online conference "Reloading the EFB Community" that is scheduled for September

Balkans exposed to challenges due to the pandemic

The French daily newspaper Le Monde wrote an article about the Western Balkans facing the pandemic and its implications on the countries’

New call for the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament

The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) announced the call for applications for the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament. The fellowship programme funded by the Austrian Parliament is designed for civil servants working in the administrations of the National Parliaments in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Apply for : Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament

We are looking for the 6 best applicants from the WB6 National Parliaments, who want to shape the regional and European collaboration by using their knowledge and enthusiasm in applying the best practices in the process of administrative reform

Contribution by FES SOE to the Social Dimension Initiative: Social Rights are Fundamental Rights

The countries of the Western Balkans (WB) are facing enormous social challenges, including poverty and inequality, widespread joblessness, and precarious employment...
18.05.2020 All News

EFB’s Director Aleksandra Tomanic in an interview for Albanian Daily News: Enlargement Process doesn’t Prevent State Capture

The entire continent has surprisingly been unprepared for responding to the corona crisis,” has said the Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), Aleksandra Tomanic in an exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News during which she explained that EFB is trying to keep up its work, although this is difficult at these times of the pandemic.

BiEPAG with a policy response and key recommendations to tackling the COVID-19 crisis in the Western Balkans

The global COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by governments around the world constitute a major rupture to the “business as usual”, and this includes the Western Balkans, too. The pandemic has been overshadowing other developments while also accelerating existing trends, and it will continue to do so.
15.04.2020 All News

Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG) welcomed 3 new members

Due to the outbreak of the Covid19 virus, the first annual meeting of the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group in 2020 was held as a zoom conference among its members coming both from Western Balkans and EU.

[EWB Interview] Tomanić: Consequences of state capture in WB are now clearer than ever

Author: Nikola Burazer Source: EWB EU integration of the Western Balkans, the new enlargement methodology and whether it can strengthen the EU

EFB in support of the live debate “Environmental Movements in the Balkans” at the first Balkan Trafik Digital edition

The global outbreak of the #Covid19 has postponed the Balkan Trafik Festival to autumn 2020, but the European Fund for the Balkans is still on board and pleased to support the organizers in hosting the first Balkan Trafik 360° Digital edition.

BiEPAG Experts at the Western Balkans Think Tank Forum in Skopje, 8-10 of March, 2020

The Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis“ Skopje (IDSCS) together with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Sofia will

“Building Societal Resilience in the European Neighborhood” panel at MSC2020

The Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans, Aleksandra Tomanic was one of the participants in the panel “Building Societal

Promotion of the book

The promotion of the book "When the Serbs and the Albanians Loved Each Other" was held on Friday, January 31, 2020 at the Media Center in Belgrade.

Signed MoU for close cooperation on the Social Dimension Initiative - EFB, FES and ASB

On January 15th 2020, the European Fund for the Balkans signed a Cooperation Agreement with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe and

Interview with the Executive Director Aleksandra Tomanic for EurActiv Serbia

Interview with the Executive Director Aleksandra Tomanic for EurActiv Serbia

Flatter, faster, fairer – How to revive the political will necessary to make enlargement a success for the WB and the EU

Authors: Milica Delevic and Tena Prelec At present, both EU MS and WB leaders are treating EU enlargement as a purely technical process, which hides

Policy Dialogue:Towards a new strategy for the Balkans: Another paper exercise?, January 10th, Brussels, EPC

  The European Fund for the Balkans, IAI and EPC joined forces in organizing the policy dialogue "Towards a new strategy for the Balkans:

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