All News:

Kick off of the regional project on raising the awareness on SLAPP lawsuits
The regional project led by NDNV in cooperation with Helsinški parlament građana Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina and Institut za medije

EFB Statement on BiEPAG's Member Jovana Marović denied entry to Serbia, 24.08.2023
The European Fund for the Balkans wants to condemn the undertaken action of the Serbian authorities towards our Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory

15.06.2023 All News
Opening of the "Labyrinth of the 90s" exhibition at Prostor Miljenko Dereta, June 15th
The exhibition "Labyrinth of the 90s" at will be open on June 15th at Prostor Miljenko Dereta at 14:00.
This exhibition is

Public Presentation of the BiEPAG policy brief on regional cooperation in Tirana, June 9th, 2023
The policy forum organised by Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group and IDM Albania on June 9th in Tirana, was an opportunity to present the

Wrap up of the Engaged Balkans Initiative Convention vol.2 in Pristina
The second Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower! was organised in Pristina on May 17-20, 2023. The regional format gathered around

Open call for applications for the beeEffect regional programme
The call for applications for the second edition of the beeEffect programme in the frames of our beeEFB Alumni Network is now open.

“Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower!” Vol.2 in Pristina, May 17-20, 2023
The second edition of the “Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower!” will be organised from May 17 to 20, 2023 in

BiEPAG podcast Seriously Balkans - The BiEPAG Talks
The premiere of the first podcast episode of the BiEPAG podcast series was hosted by Florian Bieber (BiEPAG's Coordinator, Director of Centre

beeEFB Alumni Network Annual Event in Skopje, March 3-5, 2023
The beeEFB Alumni Network Annual event was held in Skopje from March 3 to March 5, 2023. The whole progamme of the this gathering of the

Promotion of the Digital Majority Project, Novi Sad, March 6th, 2023
The presentation of the program of free workshops that will enable the citizens to actively create content on the largest digital platform of

beeEFB Digest December
Check the latest news from the beeEFB Alumni Network Newsletter featuring news on the latest developments in the Network when it comes to

Apply for the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament
We are looking for the 6 best applicants from the WB6 National Parliaments, who want to shape the regional and European collaboration by using their knowledge and enthusiasm in applying the best practices in the process of administrative reform

Trees of Friendship Vol.3 joint video
We are happy to share the video mosaic of the coordinated tree planting actions in some of the most polluted cities in the #WesternBalkans - Bor,

Third edition of our regional initiative Trees of Friendship
We have launched the third edition of our regional initiative "Trees of Friendship" which is implemented in cooperation with our local partners in all the countries of the region.

28.11.2022 All News
Strict, Fair and More Open Towards EU Enlargement!
Dutch Public Opinion on EU Membership of the Western Balkans
In 2019, the Dutch parliament vetoed the start of EU accession negotiations with Albania. Together with the simultaneous French veto against the start of talks with North Macedonia and Albania, it became clear how fragile the efforts to expand the EU in Southeastern Europe are.

Statement regarding the constant attacks on the Vicinity Chronicles web portal
Hereby we would like to inform everyone who follows our portal Vicinity Chronicles (the platform of the European Fund for the Balkans and

Panel: SLAPP lawsuits, intimidation and threats: A slap in the face of engaged citizens?, Pristina, Nov.14
Within our Engaged Democracy Initiative, the European Fund for the Balkans and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe

Upcoming event: Do the Dutch support EU enlargement with the Western Balkans?, November 25th, 2022
The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG), Clingendael Institute and d|part are organizing the event Do the Dutch support EU enlargement with the Western Balkans? on Friday 25 November 2022 at Huys Clingendael. The event will also be livestreamed on You Tube.

beeEFB Digest October
Check the latest beeEFB Alumni Network Newsletter, featuring news on the latest developments in the Network when it comes to the beeEffect Programme,

EDI study visit to Brussels, October 10-13, 2022
The study visit to Brussels of engaged individuals and representative of civil society organisations from the Western Balkans took place between