The policy forum organised by Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group and IDM Albania on June 9th in Tirana, was an opportunity to present the BiEPAG’s newest publication on regional cooperation in the Western Balkans as part of the joint efforts to foster public discussion in Albania and bring the regional and European issues closer to the policy stakeholders, media and academia community.
Besides BiEPAG Members Richard Grieveson Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group Member and Jovana Marović Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs in Government of Montenegro, Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group Member, the policy forum also welcomed Odeta Barbullushi, Advisor to the Prime Minister and National Coordinator for Regional Economic Area and Prof. Selami Xhepa, Doctor of Economic Science at the University of Tirana, as experts on the this important topic.
Gjergji Vurmo, Senior Advisor, Institute for Democracy and Mediation The Institute for Democracy and Mediation and BiEPAG Member moderated the constuctive discussion on different cross-cutting aspects of the regional cooperation in relation to the stalemate of the EU Integration process and the changed methodology, the war in Ukraine and the Open Balkan and Berlin Process.
Jovana Marović and Richard Grieveson also had a meeting with the members of the EFB's beeEFB Alumni Network coming from the public and the private sector in Albania, engaging in an open discussion about the topic of the brief and current affairs on economic divergence, EU integrations and the repercussion of the war in Ukraine.
The BiEPAG brief is available in English, Albanian and Serbian at the following links:
ENG: https://tinyurl.com/533dskab
ALB: https://tinyurl.com/ytu9r982
SRB: https://tinyurl.com/5n7kd8kv