Participants journey



We are looking for young professionals passionate about building their careers and supporting their communities, who are in need of a well-rounded and tailored programme to equip them with know-how, skills and contacts for furthering their professional and impact-oriented goals.


You are the one we are looking for, if YOU:

  • value and understand that it’s the amazing people and experiences that shape our paths and pave the roads we walk
  • believe that a group of people passionate about their community and committed to growth can make a change
  • want to make, or are already making an impact in different communities
  • when you think about things, you can think big picture and small picture implications
  • proactively approach challenges and take initiative and are persistent in pursuing what you think is right
  • motivate others and spread your enthusiasm about topics you are interested in
  • are looking to become game-changer in your field, able to connect with others, question the status quo and develop, co-create and implement needed change
  • want to contribute and learn in a cross-border programme, because you know that most of sociatal issues and challenges know no borders and benefit from joining forces
  • want to join a group of 400+ midcareer and senior professionals from the wider region and partake in collaborative efforts of beeEFB in the region

If as you read this you thought, Yes, yes, yes!
Please check out our eligibility and selection criteria and apply before 23 June 2024!

Note: The beeEffect Programme is fully funded by the beeEFB - we cover travel costs, full board and lodging, visa fees for all selected participants.


You are eligible to apply if:

  • you are a young professional
  • you are coming from the wider WB region (WB6 + Croatia, Romania, Greece, Türkiye)
  • you have potential and will to learn, change, grow, and bring added value to beeEFB after the programme
  • you are interested in the pressing topics shaping our present and future, from three distinct cross cutting lenses power, digital and society
  • you have proven community engagement aligned with beeEFB and EFB values
  • you commit to attend in-person events and to attend each planned activity online
  • have advanced command of English language

Here is the feedback from the Q&A session - Download PDF

Selection process

We will first select you - the participants, and then match you with alumni who are best fit to provide you with tailored mentoring. We will also finalize the programme after we have selected you - to ensure that it is the best fit for the 3rd selected cohort of the programme.


Selection principles

The BeeEffect Programme targets professionals with integrity and a strong commitment to diversity, who recognize the challenges of modern societies and desire for enhanced connectivity and collaboration. As a programme designed to put specific highlights on personal experience, participants should be willing to learn through openness, dialogue, and reflection.

We aim to create a non-homogeneous group of individuals in order to challenge your minds. Diverse professional backgrounds will enable mutual learning and innovativeness in group interaction.


Key guiding principles in selection:

  • assessment based on profile and eligibility
  • transparency and competitiveness
  • non-discrimination

Deadline to apply is June 23, 2024 - we won’t be accepting incomplete or late applications.


What can you expect after you apply?

We aim to reach out to all applicants on the status of their application no later than July 7th. 

Depending on the volume of applications, we might shortlist or only top candidates for an interview with the Selection committee (composed of the Programme team, beeEFB Board and beeEFB Alumni Network representatives).

We will publish the list of participants by July 31, 2024.


What happens after you are selected?

We will onboard you into the programme starting from August, so as to start building connections and community before the programme starts officially at mid of September. We won’t be reaching out often, but you can expect biweekly emails from us and a more intensive communication on an individual level around your role and your traveling logistics.

Programme experience

When imagining what the BeeEffect Programme is like, we want you to imagine a collaborative, capacity-building opportunity designed to enable interdisciplinary, creative and hands-on learning through a mix of in-person and online activities, group and individual learning experience, provided by the beeEFB alumni.

We are offering a contextualized and holistic programme for the new generation of change makers, by employing and utilizing the capacity and resources built in the past 15 years and now provided by the very same people who were once in your shoes.


Through the beeEffect Programme you will:

  • Get access to and change to collaborate and work with professionals and impact creators who are at the top of their game
  • Undergo programme which was carefully designed to fit easily into your schedule
  • Receive individual mentoring and support for your individual professional/personal goals
  • Benefit from expert advisory support at group level on a theme close to your heart
  • Build a network of peers with whom you will build friendships and more beyond the programme
  • Learn through multi-level approach and experience interdisciplinary exchange on different themes of the programme
  • Acquire new practical skills through a hands-on approach and be given opportunities to test and practice them in a safe environment
  • Build support/community for some new ideas you are waiting the right moment to start/continue
  • Explore different places in the Western Balkans
The Bee Effect Alumni
The Bee Effect Alumni