The second Engaged Democracy Convention - Engage, Inspire, Empower! was organised in Pristina on May 17-20, 2023. The regional format gathered around 100 representatives of local initiatives and NGOs from all across the Western Balkans, which are involved with issues of democratization, social injustice and accountability of institutions. The gathering served as a platform to support their cooperation, networking and joint work on preserving and promoting values of open, solidarity-based and democratic societies.
The convention agenda was a continuation of the work carried out within the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) formed by the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE) in the past three years. The two-day Convention programme included plenary sessions on topics like SLAPP and Rights of Activists, as well as thematic workshops and discussions. The agenda was co-designed with members of the Engaged Balkans platform as a way to intensify their engagement in the EDI process of creating a solidary community across the region.
This year, with the support of the German Federal Foreign office, a competition for each thematic group was held (public spaces, environment, human rights/rights of activists, media and decent work). The aim is to boost and energise the network and to enhance the regional cooperation between the individuals and organisations. The selected project proposals were invited to prepare a pitch for the Convention, where the participants together with the jury chose the best proposal per topic. The aim is to have projects that will boost and energise both, the thematic groups and the network on a substantial and regional level.
The importance and value of the Engaged Democracy Convention vol.2 has been recognised and is supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dialogue Southeast Europe and the European Endowment for Democracy (EED).
Look at the gallery to get a glimpse of the atmosphere driven by great energy, regional networking and active engagement of the representatives of local initiatives and NGOs from all across the Western Balkans.
Photo Gallery: tinyurl.com/wds45rt8