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EDI panel at the Serbian Political Science Association Annual International Conference 2022, Sept. 25th
As part of the activities in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) a panel discussion is being organised as a special event in the frames of the of the Serbian Political Science Association Annual International Conference 2022 - Social Justice in Post-Communist Societies, which is taking place in Belgrade on September 24 and 25, 2022.

beeEFB Digest August 2022
Check the latest beeEFB Alumni Network Newsletter, featuring news on the latest developments in the Network when it comes to the beeEffect Programme, the joint initiatives, alumni representatives, as well as the custom made sections Blast from the Past, Hive Five and News from the EFB.

13 selected candidates for the first cohort of the new beeEffect regional programme
After receiving 56 eligible applications and conducting 28 interviews, we are pleased to share the news the first cohort of participants for the alumni designed and implemented beeEffect Programme has been selected.

Thematic meeting of the “Public Space” working group in Skopje
The meeting of the Public Space thematic group was held in Skopje on the 7th of July. Sara Nikolic from the Institute for philosophy and social theory and Iva Cukic from the Ministry of space presented their contextual paper on contention for public spaces.

Regional thematic meeting “From corruption to human rights”, Sarajevo, June 2nd, 2022
The context paper offering a brief overview of cases of human rights violations of activists in the WB region, along with conceptual limitations of

Reaching more than million citizens across the region with our Balkans United for Clean Air campaign
Our "Balkans United for Clean Air" regional campaign was realised for a second year in a row with the aim of raising awareness of the region’s

Joint seminar of the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament, Vienna 16-19 May, 2022
The first joint seminar in the frames of the Western Balkans Fellowship Programme at the Austrian Parliament which is funded by the Austrian Parliament and realised in cooperation with the European Fund for the Balkans is being held in Vienna from May 16 to May 19th, 2022.

EDI regional thematic meeting “Decent work as a necessity “in Belgrade
The regional thematic meeting “Decent work as a necessity” in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative took place in Belgrade on the 12th of May.

Publication: Green Agenda Explained
The wrap up of our regional Balkans United for Clean Air campaign is all about taking a closer look to the importance of the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans , as a prerequisite for securing the different aspects of successful dealing with the consequences of the climate change.

EDI thematic meeting “Green activism and eco protests: Changing the reality, challenging the usual political. Shaping common actions for the future”
The second regional thematic meeting in the frames of the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) “Green activism and eco protests: Changing the

The Joint History Books with a new digital home – the homepage
The Joint History Books of 13 countries from Southeast Europe is a unique collection of historical sources jointly compiled between 1998 and 2016 by more than 100 historians and 300 teachers from Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Turkey.

31.03.2022 All News
The Western Balkans in Focus: Hopes, Setbacks, New Perspectives and the Effects of the Ukraine War on the Region
On the initiative of the Mr. Harald Dossi, Secretary General of the Austrian Parliament, a panel discussion was organised in partnership with the Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group.

In the Western Balkans we live in a poisonous cloud
Emissions of pollutants from large power plants in most Western Balkan countries exceed the prescribed limit values, and coal‐fired power plants, according to the latest data, emit more sulfur dioxide than all such plants in the EU combined.

Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens, Tirana, 21-23 March 2022
The first thematic meeting in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI)“Engaged media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens“ was held in Tirana on March 21-23,2022.

Engaged Media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens
The first in-person regional meeting “Engaged Media: Exploring mutual communication nexus between media and engaged citizens’’ in

beeEFB Digest March 2022
In the March monthly DIGEST, we are bringing forward numerous opportunities for the members of our beeEFB Alumni Network.
All these initiatives will

15.03.2022 All News
Vicinity Chronicles at
The new edition of the Vicinity Chronicles from across the Western Balkans will now be available at
The topic of the

14.03.2022 All News
Premiere of the film “The Graduates”, supported by the European Fund for the Balkans
“The Graduates”, a documentary by Dusan Gajic, which was produced with the support by the European Fund for the Balkans, will have its

Laying all cards about air quality on the table
Despite significant advancements that took place since the establishment of air quality monitoring stations and public information systems in the region's states, the quality and amount of data have yet to reach satisfactory levels, and the official results need to be much more publicly available and clear.