September 27th in Belgrade was all about the EFB 15. The European Fund for the Balkans gathered its friends, partners, alumni, beneficiaries and collaborators from all across the Western Balkans and EU for marking its 15th year anniversary.
The panel organised in honour of the 15 years of dedicated work in and for the region included the representatives of the EFB founding partners and Foundations Franz Karl Pruler ( ERSTE Foundation), Atje Drexler (Robert Bosch Stiftung) and Stefan Schafers (King Baudouin Foundation) who were joined on the stage by Florian Bieber (Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group), Vedran Džihic (Engaged Democracy Iniative) and Vladica Jovanović(beeEFB Alumni Network). The whole discussion lead by the Executive Director of the Fund, Aleksandra Tomanić was revolving around the story on how all started and developed, what were the milestones, but also the current state of play and the changed context in which EFB function nowadays and the prospects for the next strategic period.
We are proud on our 15 years of dedicated work in and for the region together with all the people, programmes and new initiatives that we tresure as an important human and expertise capital that supports the continuous development of our societies.
Thank you to all our friends, partners, alumni, beneficiaries and collaborators for joining us on this special day!
Big gratitude to our Founders ERSTE Foundation Robert Bosch Stiftung and King Baudouin Foundation for the continuous support over the years.
Check the photo gallery.