Vicinities, the project of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE) which is the first ever SEE current affairs regional TV Talk-show will be presented in the European Parliament on 4th of December in the public event “Confronting the Past and Looking Towards the Future: Highlighting the Impact of the TV Talk show Vicinities” and the panel discussion "Regional Cooperation in South East Europe: Freedom and Quality of the Media".
During its 2 seasons and 17 broadcasted episodes in 7 countries and on 8 TV stations in the region, this roundtable TV talk show has managed to gather a number of policy makers, analysts, representatives of the civil society, public figures, experts and activists from the Western Balkans to discuss, debate and exchange ideas on different and often controversial topics. In its format and content “Vicinities” stands as a unique effort of reconciliation, better understanding and freedom of expression - addressing serious subjects in an open, straightforward and entertaining approach. It is the also a rare example of regional TV-product which is broadcasted in the Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian-speaking countries of Southeast Europe and beyond it and because of that it has received a big exposure and wide audience.
As a unique television programme, "Vicinities" will be presented in the European Parliament in the panel discussion “Confronting the Past and Looking Towards the Future: Highlighting the Impact of the TV Talk show Vicinities” which will be open by the Vice-President of EP, Othmar Karas. Hedvig Morvai, Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and Nenad Sebek, Executive Director of Center for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe (CDRSEE) will present this joint initiative that has managed to surpass the initial expectations with its beyond regional outreach.
The panel discussion which will ensue will be moderated by the MEP Ulrike Lunacek and will feature the following speakers: Erhard Busek (Jean Monnet Professor, Coordinator of the South-Eastern Cooperative Initiative (SECI) and Chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe), Fabrice de Kerchove (Project Manager, King Baudouin Foundation) Goran Svilanovic (Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council), Doris Pack (Member of Parliament, European Parliament), MEP Hannes Swoboda (President of the S&D Group) and MEP Eduard Kukan(Member of Parliament, Chair of the Delegation for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo).
MEP Jelko Kacin will provide the ensuing commentary discussion.
For more info and video materials for "Vicinities" check the following link: