Why secularism is so important, why there is no open dialogue about the situation of thereligion in the society and the relations between the churches and religious communities and the state, are all the churches in the region really equal, whether the power of religious communities in our culture is so big that it can direct the governments and politicians in this or that direction, are the churches companies with a big money turnover - are some of the issues to be addressed together with the guests of the tenth issue of “Vicinities” - the director Branko Baletić, the sociologist Alexei Kisjuhas,the journalist and writer Ivan Ugrin and dr. Dzevad Hodzic . The feature speaker of this show is the writer Balsa Brković.
The European Fund for the Balkans was represented by the EFB Alumni – Adnan Ovcina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Emir Kalac (Montenegro), Evica Kuc (Serbia), Igor Novakovic (Serbia), Dejan Radic (Bosnia and Herzegovina).