On 01 – 02 June, 2021, the Aspen Institute Germany, in cooperation with the Southeast Europe Association and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, will organize the Western Balkans “Civil Society & Think Tank Forum I: Road to Berlin” of this year’s Berlin Process Summit. Since 2014, the Berlin Process aims to support Western Balkan countries’ EU accession process by strengthening regional cooperation and facilitating for a continuous dialogue among these countries as well as EU member states during annual summits taking place throughout Europe. This year, the summit will be hosted by the German Government. The “Civil Society & Think Tank Forum I: Road to Berlin” will convene experts, think tankers, and civil society representatives from the Western Balkan countries to debate a wide range of challenges in the region jointly, exchange best practices, and develop concrete policy recommendations.
These will be put in the spotlight and discussed with government representatives throughout the second conference, the “Civil Society & Think Tank Forum II: Berlin 2021”, which will coincide with the Berlin Process Summit.
Due to the pandemic, the Civil Society & Think Tank Forum will have to take place in an online format. Further details and information can be found in the forum’s agenda.