We are pleased to share the open call for applications for the third edition of the BeeEffect regional programme, realised as part of the core activities of our beeEFB Alumni Network.

For a third year in a row, we are looking for young professionals passionate about building their careers and supporting their communities, who need a well-rounded and tailored programme to equip them with know-how, skills and contacts for furthering their professional and impact-oriented goals.

The BeeEffect Programme is a talilored-made experience that aims to gather a diverse group of young professionals and students with great impact-making potential, providing them a carefully designed programme developed and led by beeEFB alumni members. The goal is to equip the future new members of the beeEFB Alumni network with a unique set of knowledge, skills and networking opportunities and provide avenues for them to create impact in their communities. The keyword of the BeeEffect Programme is impact, which refers to meaningful, measurable changes in the lives of people and their communities as a result of intentional intervention in various domains including education, employment, leadership, health, and civic engagement.

The beeEffect is designed to bring together and enable cross-learning between two distinct target groups: Participants - young professionals, impulse providers, and action takers in their own communities, and beeEFB alumni - senior and mid-career professionals coming from different sectors (government, business, development, academia, nonprofit), with diverse backgrounds and fields of expertise.

In order to achieve this, the programme will combine in-person and online activities, personilised mentorship, group work and projects, as well as inspiring talks/lectures and skill-building workshops.

Check the details on the programme and apply.