THINK AND LINK Regional Policy Programme starts with the Capacity Building Seminar in SkopjeCapacity Building Seminar “Bridging Research and Policy in Western Balkans” will be held in Skopje, December 10-12.

Twenty four participants will represent 12 organizations from the Western Balkans. These organizations are dealing with various social, political and economic issues as human rights, democratic consolidation, rule of law, cultural diversity, regional cooperation and European integration etc.

The first part of the Seminar consists of discussions on different topics: Status of the independent policy research in the Western Balkans, Think Tanks in the EU environment, How to be effectively engaged in the public policy, Think Tanks and the EU enlargement, Evidence Based Policy Analysis.

The speakers will represent the most prominent organizations in Europe (Open Society Institute - Budapest, European Policy Centre, Brussels – Brussels, ELIAMEP – Athens, European Council on Foreign Relations – Paris, Istituto Affari Internazionali – Rome, Notre Europe – Paris, Compagnia di San Paolo – Turin, University of North Eastern Piedmont – Turin).

In the second part of the Seminar participants will take part in the Capacity Building Training provided by CASE- Centre for Social and Economic Research from Poland.

After full three days of enriching lectures and trainings the selected organizations will start with their project researches. Research period will last until the beginning of August when the final papers will be submitted. All organizations will gather again for the Final Seminar where they will present their results.

