As part of the activities in the frames of our Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI) a panel discussion is being organised as a special event in the frames of the of the Serbian Political Science Association Annual International Conference 2022 - Social Justice in Post-Communist Societies, which is taking place in Belgrade on September 24 and 25, 2022.
Our special event at the SPSA Conference Engaged Democracy Initiative Talks: “The challenges of the energy transition and its sustainability in Western Balkans today” will be held at 25th of September at the Faculty for Political Studies in Belgrade ( Sunday 16:30 – 17:30 Room: 1).
The European Fund for the Balkans (EFB) and the Institute for Democratic Engagement Southeast Europe (IDESE) joined forces and created the Engaged Democracy Initiative (EDI). EDI aims to involve local movements and organizations, researchers, social businesses, engaged citizens and journalists in a hierarchless and horizontal regional network (rhizome) for supporting, promoting and pursuing values of open, solidary and democratic societies across our region. This time we have invited a few members from the EDI network to discuss the importance of the energy transition in the Western Balkans as a topic that deserves a special focus in this times of global energy crisis.
Mirko Popovic, RERI
Aleksandar Macura, RES Foundation
Žaklina Živković, Pravo na Vodu/Organizacija za političku ekologiju Polekol
Samir Lemeš, University of Zenica
Moderator: Gazela Pudar Draško
The whole agenda of the two-day international conference can be found at the following link