The first beeEFB Alumni Network buzz comes as a restrospective of the acitivities in the past few months.

The beginning of the year was marked by the 3rd Annual Event, hosted in beautiful Podgorica, Montenegro. During the 2 day event, we hosted and welcomed a new cohort of our Alumni from the 2nd edition of BeeEffect Programme. As we look forward to engaging with you this year, we want to draw attention to the open call for 2 new Board members.

We invite you to take on a new challenge in your engagement within the Network by applying until May 5th, 2024. We'd like to invite you to look at a few milestones achieved in the past few months. Your support to the Alumni Network and contribution to its growth remains a source of pride and a driving force that moves us forward.

Get informed on all the latest info and check the whole buzz at the following link