The Policy hackathons were launched in 2018 as part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European Fund for the Balkans. The first pilot regional policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018  took place in Belgrade and Sarajevo, and Skopje and Pristina, and attracted more than 70 participants.

The competitions created a fusion of policy research and analysis, and digital technology, with a focus on solving social problems. These unique regional endeavours were designed to inspire innovative ideas on how to change the Balkans’ political and social environments.

The hackathons took place throughout the region, focussing on the key problems affecting citizens and local communities and stimulating out-of-the-box thinking about how to solve concrete issues. Organised in teams, the participants had two days to design digital policy tools that could contribute to solving particular problems in the given policy areas. A digital policy tool can be anything used on a daily basis in the world of digital communications – a website, mobile application, search engine, browser add-on, social network etc. The winning solutions were presented at the 10th Anniversary Conference in Belgrade.

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