05.06.2012 All News

20120326_0057EFB Community Members Doru Toma (Romania), Nevena Jovanovic (Serbia), Milan Balaban (Bosnia- Herzegovina), and Georgi Michev (Bulgaria) will attend the European Foundation Centre’s 23rd Annual General Assembly and Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 7 June 2012, where they will represent FutureLab Europe.

The conference will focus on the notion of ‘peace through social justice’, bringing together more than 500 delegates from European Foundations to discuss the role of civil society in shaping European policy towards social issues.

FutureLab Europe is a project of the European Alliance for Democratic Citizenship, affiliated to the Network of European Foundations and initiated by the Körber Foundation. It is operated by the European Policy Centre.

FutureLab Europe, the Council of Young European Citizens, is a programme for bright, ambitious young European professionals aged 20 to 30 who want to play an active part in shaping the future direction of Europe. Through FutureLab Europe they will bring insight into European decision-making; discuss topical issues with European and national policy-makers and other stakeholders; and develop their own distinctive vision for the development of the European project.

FutureLab Europe starts with event Europe@Debate where EFB Community member Nevena Jovanovic will be one of the speakers. FutureLab Europe participants will develop their own projects and write articles on European issues.

More on FutureLab Europe

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